
Showing posts from September, 2018


Microprocessor A microprocessor is an electronic circuit that is fabricated on a single chip. It is the heart of all the computers. The instructions given in a program are interpreted and carried out by the processing unit of computer. So, we can say that a microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory, accepts binary data from input units and processes data according to these instructions and provide results as output. A processor is also known as CPU which is also called as brain of the computer. The main components of CPU are: 1.      Control Unit 2.      Arithmetic Logic Unit 3.      Registers 1.    Control Unit(CU) -> A control unit is that part of computer, which makes the ALU and memory work in synchronization with the data. It is responsible for carrying out all the instructions stored in the program. It decodes the fetched instruction, interprets (understands) it a