
Showing posts from August, 2018

Binary Representation of Integers

Binary Representation of Integers Binary number can be represented only by using 0’s and 1’s , but cannot use the sign (-) to denote the negative number or sign (+) to denote the positive number. So, it must be either 0 or 1. There are three methods to represent binary number. They are       1.      Sign and magnitude method       2.      One’s complement method      3.      Two’s complement method ·        Sign and magnitude method In this method, first bit is considered as a sign bit. Here positive number starts with 0 and negative number starts with 1 . Example:             25 25/2 = 12     1 12/2 = 6       0 6/2 = 3         0 3/2 = 1         1 1/2 = 0         1 So the binary number is (11001) 2 . If we take the size of the word is 1 byte , then the number 25 will be represented as 00011001. Suppose, if the number is -25 , and then it will be represented as 10011001. ·        One’s Complement Method In this method, the positive nu

Hexadecimal Conversion

        Hexadecimal Conversion a)    Hexadecimal to Binary Convert each digit of Hexadecimal Number to its binary equivalent and write them in 4 bits. Then, combine each 4 bit binary number and that is the resulting answer. Example Convert the Hexadecimal number (10AF) 16 to its Binary equivalent. =    1      |      0    |     A    |     F | = 0001 | 0000 | 1010 | 1111 = (0001000010101111) 2 = (1000010101111) 2 b)   Hexadecimal Fraction to Binary Example Convert the Hexadecimal number (13.54) 16 to its Binary equivalent. =    1      |    3      |   .    |   5       |    4      | = 0001 | 0011 |   .    | 0101 | 0100 | = (00010011.01010100) 2 = (10011.010101) 2 c)     Hexadecimal to Octal To convert Hexadecimal to Octal, Convert each digit of Hexadecimal Number to its binary equivalent and write them in 4 bits. Then, combine each 3 bit binary number and that is converted into octal. Example Convert the Hexadecimal number (A42) 16 to

Memory Units

Memory Units Memory is one of the most important components of a computer system as it stores data and instructions. Every memory chip contains thousands of memory locations. In the computer, the data is stored in the form of bits and bytes. A bit is the smallest storage unit of memory. A nibble is a collection of 4 bits. Eight bits combined together to form a single byte , which in turn represents a single character. The following table shows various units of computer memory. Memory Unit Relation with preceding Memory Unit Equivalent bytes Kilobyte ( KB ) 1 KB = 1024 Bytes (2 10 Bytes) 1024 Megabyte ( MB ) 1 MB =1024 KB (2 10 KB) 1024*1024 Gigabyte ( GB ) 1 GB =1024 MB (2 10 MB) 1024*1024*1024 Terabyte ( TB ) 1 TB = 1024 GB (2 10 GB) 1024*1024*1024*1024 Petabyte ( PB ) 1 PB = 1024 TB (2 10   TB) 1024*1024*1024*1024*1024 Exabyte ( EB ) 1 EB = 1024 PB (2


     Internal storage of encoding characters   A computer is capable of handling numeric data but in addition to numerical data, a          computer must be able to handle non-numerical information . In other words, a              computer should recognize codes that represent letters of the alphabet,                            punctuation and other special characters as well as numbers. These codes are            called alphanumeric codes. 1.      ASCII (American Standards Code for Information Interchange) ASCII code is most widely used alphanumeric code used in computers. It is used extensively in small computers, peripherals, instruments and communication devices. ASCII-7 can represent 2 7 =128 characters. ASCII-8 can represent 2 8 =256 characters. It is an extended form ASCII-7. ASCII code is used for the transfer of alphanumeric information between a computer and I/O devices. A computer uses this code to internally store the information that an op